If You're Not Using Bats To Help You Win Games Like The Spurs Do, Are You Even Trying?

OK, this is getting a little out of hand. This is now the third instance we’ve seen bats run wild during a Spurs game, and at first it was funny when it happened at the end of January

We all laughed because it reminded us of Manu and the fact that they were in no way prepared to wrangle that little fucker in. But then it happened again a few days later

This time they were prepared, their mascot came out as Batman displayed extremely impressive athleticism and snatched the rogue bat up no problem. Again, jokes were had by all. You would think that by now they would have this all under control, but clearly last night tells us that the Spurs are up to something fishy when it comes to these bats. Here’s the thing, they are yet to lose a game when this happens and I’m starting to catch onto what’s going on. It’s pretty clear they are releasing these bats as a competitive advantage, maybe to change momentum or something. Hard to execute if you’re an opposing team if you’re worried about getting rabies at any second. I’m to believe this bat just happened to escape in what was a close game in the third quarter against a really good MIL team? I don’t think so.

It is a little concerning that the mascot was unable to capture this one. That tells me the bats are learning and that is absolutely terrifying. Maybe it’s just me, but when Manu walked these halls I felt like the bats knew to keep to themselves. Maybe we would get 1 or two a year, but now that he’s gone it’s a full on war. Between the three bat sightings in SA, and then another bat sighting in a Clippers/Pacers game (a matchups the Spurs benefitted from), you’re crazy if you don’t think these bats are up to something. I’m not ready to completely rule out that the Spurs are going to unleash the bats in an upcoming playoff series because it’s clearly their secret weapon.

Many people wonder how the Spurs have been able to maintain their excellence even with their recent roster turnover. It’s also pretty suspicious that they are so bad on the road (12-22, no bats), and yet nearly unbeatable at home (26-7, have bats). You tell me what the difference is? Credit to Pop for going next level and realizing they could use bats to their advantage, but seriously let’s clean it up NBA. Last thing they need is a shit ton of people ending up with rabies. But then again if the Spurs keep streaking and get a favorable matchup because of it, I bet some Spurs fans out there would sacrifice a little rabies for that.

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